In Search of Fortune: Shadowlands (1.5 million gold in 4 weeks)

Welcome to ‘In Search of Fortune’, a monthly series where I discuss my gold goals and in-game money making strategies.

The beginning of an expansion in World of Warcraft is an important time to set the pace for how that expansion will go for you. You pick a main character to play, the role you’re playing, covenants (this time at least) and, in a way, your play style. Assuming you don’t have unlimited time, opportunity cost says you’re likely going to have to sacrifice one area for another. In my case, in making sure I was leveled and ready for the same content as friends, I had to forgo some of the crazy early money making tactics. The first couple of days see ridiculous prices and I could easily have made double or more what I have so far if I didn’t spend my time leveling and in dungeons. That being said, I’ve still made close to 1.5 million in total profits in under a month

In this post, I’ll break down where my 1.5 million gold profit has come from and what I’ll be doing in the near future to continue it.


In Search of Fortune: Long Boi Victory and Shadowlands Goals

Ignore the big dip

Welcome to ‘In Search of Fortune’, a new monthly series where I discuss my gold goals and in-game money making strategies.

In my first In Search of Fortune post, I declared my goal to get the bruto mount before the prepatch hit. At the time, the true date was unknown and I expected to need to fulfill the 500k quota (I had 4.5m) in about 10 days from the time of the post. The picture above is a big ol’ spoiler regarding that quest. I managed to average ~75k profit per day for that week and finished a couple of days before (what I believed) was the last day. Of course, pre-patch got pushed back weeks more and I’d have had plenty of time to get the 500k. However, I was still pretty happy with getting it done then. For the rest of this post, I’ll go over my gold goals for Shadowlands. This will be something you can come back in a year or two and yell at me if I didn’t get it done. Make sure to subscribe or bookmark or whatever so you can do that then.
