Gamer Art: June 2021

Check out June’s Featured Gamer Art, a monthly column of art that I’ve found found in the past few weeks. Art can include paintings, drawings, digital art, physical crafts, cosplay and more.

Yeah, I know I’m a few days late on the posting of this… but it’s still the art that I found and collected over the course of June. This month has cosplay, drawings and digital art from Dead Space, WoW, Pokemon, Ratchet and Clank, Devil May Cry, the Witcher, and Guilty Gear.


Gamer Art: May 2021

Check out May’s Featured Gamer Art, a monthly column of art that I’ve found found in the past few weeks. Art can include paintings, drawings, digital art, physical crafts, cosplay and more.

This month features (above) one of the coolest World of Warcraft art pieces I’ve shown here on Gamer Art and maybe one of the coolest I’ve seen anywhere. There’s also Spawn, Akuma from Street Fighter, HZD (seems to have great art often), another Triss Merigold Cosplay (See last months), a WoW piece and a Tim Burton inspired pokemon drawing. As always, click the picture to see it larger and click the text link to go to the source where I found the image.


Gamer Art: April 2021

Check out April’s Featured Gamer Art, a monthly column of art that I’ve found found in the past few weeks. Art can include paintings, drawings, digital art, physical crafts, cosplay and more.

Unlike last month where I ended up a little short on art, this month’s Gamer Art has had an abundance. I might need to start finding a way to filter this, make a theme each month, or something. Perhaps a way for people to submit their art as opposed to just what I find. Not sure, but look for some changes to this in the coming months, maybe.

This month has The Witcher, World of Warcraft, Destiny 2, Cyberpunk 2077, Monster Hunter, Nier Automata, Pokemon, God of War, League of Legends and Assassins Creed Valhalla.


Gamer Art: March 2021

Check out March’s Featured Gamer Art, a monthly column of art that I’ve found found in the past few weeks. Art can include paintings, drawings, digital art, physical crafts, cosplay and more.

So… this was kind of a weird month. Typically, as I exist online over the course of the month I save links to these pictures as a preliminary edit of this post. When I’m ready to make the post, I download the images, upload them here, add those links to these pics, etc. Well, this month, almost half of the art I had found has been removed for one reason or another. So this one is a little light, but, I guess we’ll make do. This month’s Gamer Art is mostly World of Warcraft Oriented, but we have some Pokemon art and a Resident Evil Cosplay to mix things up.
