Shadowlands Patch 9.1: What We Got Right & What’s Coming Instead

So… we made some predictions about patch 9.1. While we got more right than wrong, it seems, there was a couple areas we completely missed the mark on. Read on to see what we got right, what we got wrong, what’s still unknown and our thoughts on 9.1 release date now.


Shadowlands Predictions Pt 1: The Great Vault, patch 9.1, our 2nd Legendary, and the Real Villains of SL.

This post is a content gamble. Either I provide the world a new means of bashing my stupid ideas or am proven a reliable source of speculation for future content. As the title says, in this post we’ll talk about some likely problems with the upcoming great vault (unrelated to my previous complaints about it), when I think 9.1 will release, when we’ll get a end legendary to equip and who the real villains of the expansion are.
