So, I’ve been dabbling in Raid: Shadow Legends for a couple of months now. I’m free to play with the exception of a few dollars of google balance that was available to me because of the Google Rewards survey app. As a result, gems, energy, and silver are very limited. Early on, I made quite a few mistakes with how I chose to spend those resources. In this post, I’ll give a very simple overview of how to approach champion masteries. Should you use gems to unlock? Should you use energy on the minotaur boss? Read on to find out.
(more…)Author: Sharden
Shadowlands Patch 9.1: What We Got Right & What’s Coming Instead

So… we made some predictions about patch 9.1. While we got more right than wrong, it seems, there was a couple areas we completely missed the mark on. Read on to see what we got right, what we got wrong, what’s still unknown and our thoughts on 9.1 release date now.
(more…)Gamer Art: February 2021
Check out February’s Featured Gamer Art, a monthly column of art that I’ve found found in the past few weeks. Art can include paintings, drawings, digital art, physical crafts, cosplay and more.
This month I had enough cool cosplay I found that I was tempted to make a separate section for that alone, I didn’t, but feedback on that idea would be welcome. Also, most websites that I see featuring art and cosplay tend to have a bunch of bricks of text about each, typically I don’t care about what the author thinks or has to say about the character backgrounds and just want to see the art… but is that what everyone else would like? More to comment on, I’m sure. Finally, check the end of this for a video of a cool tattoo. It’s embedded, but doesn’t fit into my normal formatting. See ya next month.
(more…)Ashes of Creation: Big Expectations

We’ve seen games heralded as “the next big thing” or a “WoW Killer” for years upon years. So far, nothing has killed World of Warcraft and we rarely even get a new big thing. Sometimes, in the worst case, we don’t even get a thing at all as upcoming MMO’s often never launch due to complications or financial constraints given how large and expensive developing this sort of game is – particularly for indie developers.
So here we have Ashes of Creation. It’s an independently developed upcoming MMO. It has more going against it than for it. The market is saturated with MMOs: WoW, ESO, FF14 & Runescape dominate the market, and there’s dozens if not hundreds more eating up little slices of the potential player base. Each game brings with it a their take on the genre – their own unique trait or gimmick. So what does AoC bring to the table that is unique? And what is it that has players expectations so high? What has people willing to spend $500 to get into the first alpha tests?
(more…)Gamer Art: January 2021
Check out January’s Featured Gamer Art, a monthly column of art that I’ve found found in the past few weeks. Art can include paintings, drawings, digital art, physical crafts, cosplay and more.
This month features art & cosplay from WoW, Mortal Kombat, Hollow Knight, Among us, Horizon Zero Dawn, Fate GO, & Red Dead Redemption. For the first time on this series there’s a car wrap that is amazing. As always, you can click the image for a larger version and click the links on them for the sources where I found the images. Please go check out the creators and show support.
(more…)In Search of Fortune: Slow and Steady
Welcome to ‘In Search of Fortune’, a monthly series where I discuss my gold goals and in-game money making strategies.
Recently, I’ve been playing quite a bit of other things (check out What I’m Currently Playing) and WoW has been getting less attenion in general, let alone gold making. Despite that, my last month hasn’t been a terrible step in building my fortune – 591,029g profit according to my TSM. I’ll break that down a little and give a couple tips as to how to many simple things can make a decent amount of gold without much extra effort (such as command table missions).