Check out February’s Featured Gamer Art, a monthly column of art that I’ve found found in the past few weeks. Art can include paintings, drawings, digital art, physical crafts, cosplay and more.
This month I had enough cool cosplay I found that I was tempted to make a separate section for that alone, I didn’t, but feedback on that idea would be welcome. Also, most websites that I see featuring art and cosplay tend to have a bunch of bricks of text about each, typically I don’t care about what the author thinks or has to say about the character backgrounds and just want to see the art… but is that what everyone else would like? More to comment on, I’m sure. Finally, check the end of this for a video of a cool tattoo. It’s embedded, but doesn’t fit into my normal formatting. See ya next month.
Jaina In Torghast – Cosplay – WoW Lisa Cosplay – Genshin Impact Ysera Cosplay – WoW Yennifer Cosplay – The Witcher She Deep Breaths Moar – WoW Panam – Cyberpunk 2077 Night Elf – WoW Mr. Handy Illustration Cut Out & Photographed – Fallout False Savior – WoW Minimalist Fallout Posters Elissreaux – WoW Bwonsamdi – WoW
As always, click the pictures for larger versions and click the links for the sources where I found each piece.