Altoholic 101: Hunter Spec & Covenant Choices

Well… I’ve already gotten another character to 60 and have started the mythic 0 grind. In this post, I’ll discuss how I chose my specialization, how I chose my covenant (with resources you can use too) and what legendaries I’m looking at later on.


  • Beast Mastery – I don’t mean to bad mouth this spec or those who prefer it… but, it’s just too boring most of the time. However, it’s incredibly mobile and therefore kind of awesome for most fights, ranged without limitation.
  • Marksman – This spec is considered best out of hunter specs right now for PVP and PVE. It used to be very immobile but now only has one shot that can’t move and cast.
  • Survival – RIP survival. I’m still salty. I will continue, I imagine, to be salty. Don’t replace peoples specs Blizz. If you have an idea for something completely different, then add one.

Winner – Marksman. While it might not be as mobile as BM, it’s close and overall performs better. Also, if I wanted to play a melee, I’d play a melee and not a hunter, so SV is permanently out.

Covenant Choice:

From Wowheads covenant guide:

From Jellybeans PVP guide for Marksman:

Between summoned stewards vials (free health stone, essentially) and the active ability, he says Kyrian is top for PVP.

Covenant Armor Sets:

Night Fae

The Considerations:

While PVP is something I intend to do, PVE tends to be much more important. Additionally, even though I intend to main marksman, having a covenant that is good for any spec is important, and though I think Kyrian is better overall for MM, it isn’t for the others. Finally… Night Fae transmog is kind of terrible, but (as I mentioned in my mage post) has a nice blue that may mix well… The Venthyr set might be the best looking but it isn’t really a consideration elsewhere. I went Night Fae. Tough choice, but even as a hunter that extra movement is such a convenience in the world.


From Wowheads hunter legendary guide:

For Raid-

For mythic-

Since I’m not Kyrian, it’s pretty much Serpentstalker’s Trickery. This is mostly a single target increase in that it adds a dot component to my aim shot, however with tabbing its a little extra aoe as well. Now… if I could only get this to drop.

So that’s it. Night Fae Marksman Hunter with the Serpentstalker’s Trickery legendary. Anything missing? Let me know in the comments.

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