Why Some People Want Your Game to Fail? – Tarkov Talks Ep. 11.

About Tarkov Talks: This is a video series where we discuss, mostly, gaming while I play Escape from Tarkov in the background. Think of it like a podcast with a chance of murder.

Ever notice when there’s an upcoming game coming out, particularly a major online title, that so many people seem to really want that game to fail? A lot of people look at those negative comments and assume it’s jealousy or maliciousness… but maybe, maybe sometimes it’s something else. In this episode of Tarkov Talks, I discuss some reasons that some people might want the game you’re hyped about to fail that aren’t them just being toxic about the game. Hit more for the video.


Tarkov Talks #2-#5

Our show Tarkov Talks has 4 more episodes. The 2nd is a silly debate about food preferences; the 3rd a highlight of the “birds aren’t real” conspiracy, the 4th a revealing of Elon Musks super villain plans, and finally a video discussing the new World of Warcraft Dragonflight expansion. Click through for links/embeds of each video (or go to the Alternate Image Gaming youtube). For a brief summary of the show, it’s like a podcast (usually gaming related topics) with some Escape from Tarkov gameplay in the background. Watch me discuss things and try not to get dead.
