I’ve now started a youtube Channel. Going to be helpful tips, pvp videos, along with some non-WoW content such as BF4 and League of Legends. Check it out at https://www.youtube.com/user/alternateimagegaming. Here’s a rated battleground video I recorded and loaded there. Enjoy.
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For those who aren’t in the loop, there are a number of WoW players (and other games, for that matter) who stream their play online. Similar to making an epic PVP video or content guide, except it’s live, unscripted and could end up awesome or making you look like a total noob. I’ve decided that I may as well join the fray and see if any people are bored enough to check out my streams and posted videos on TwitchTV.
You can find my live stream at http://www.twitch.tv/sharden0 if I’m on and past streams at http://www.twitch.tv/alternateimage/profile/pastBroadcasts. So far I’m still working on getting everything together, so if the audio or video quality isn’t quite up to par yet – don’t give up hope, you may still get to see my badness (or awesomeness) soon enough. I’ll be streaming WoW PVP, maybe raids and random shenanigans. Also, Battlefield 4, League of Legends, and probably some other things.
Oh and speaking of streams, a good friend of mine also has a new channel. Check out for http://www.twitch.tv/vinid87 for similar streams and videos.
*twitch links updated*