Hunter PVP & Rated Battlegrounds
I’ve PVP’d on my hunter a bit in the past, but it’s always been just random battlegrounds or pretty casual arenas. Recently however, my friend Sixin has convinced me to start trying things a little more seriously. So I joined his PVP guild in a few rated battlegrounds. Well… it was awesome. We won several matches, lost very few, and I was near the top of the charts each time. I decided to move that character over to the guild and did some more with them (even landed on one of their rated teams). A handful more matches in and I find myself sitting at 1600 rating with the Stone Guard title and think maybe it’s time to take this a little more seriously. Then I started looking at where I can improve and found some horrible things. (more…)
Needing Topics
People who know me well might be surprised by this, but sometimes I just run out of things to say. I want to get back into filling this blog with ideas and events, but what? We’re late into an expansion with the new one not even yet seen on the horizon. There’s just nothing new to report on. I even tried to venture to Blog Azeroth in hopes of partaking in their “Shared Topic” posts and found none currently up. I’m not sure if I caught it in an off time, the holidays and what not, or if their not doing that anymore. If anyone knows and reads this post, please let me know – it was a very cool site and idea center.
Recently I’ve been doing some live streaming and video making and that’s been pretty fun, (more…)
And Then There Was Youtube
I’ve now started a youtube Channel. Going to be helpful tips, pvp videos, along with some non-WoW content such as BF4 and League of Legends. Check it out at Here’s a rated battleground video I recorded and loaded there. Enjoy.
For those who aren’t in the loop, there are a number of WoW players (and other games, for that matter) who stream their play online. Similar to making an epic PVP video or content guide, except it’s live, unscripted and could end up awesome or making you look like a total noob. I’ve decided that I may as well join the fray and see if any people are bored enough to check out my streams and posted videos on TwitchTV.
You can find my live stream at if I’m on and past streams at So far I’m still working on getting everything together, so if the audio or video quality isn’t quite up to par yet – don’t give up hope, you may still get to see my badness (or awesomeness) soon enough. I’ll be streaming WoW PVP, maybe raids and random shenanigans. Also, Battlefield 4, League of Legends, and probably some other things.
Oh and speaking of streams, a good friend of mine also has a new channel. Check out for for similar streams and videos.
*twitch links updated*
A Timeless Grind

I know that MMO’s tend to be a bit grindy in their nature. Heck RPG’s at all have a grind element – I can recall the hours of farming random zones in Final Fantasy 8 after I got my butt handed to me by Ultimeca. With all this, WoW is no exception and I’m okay with that…mostly. (more…)
A Few 5.4 Screen Shots
I should have a post up in the near future about some specifics on 5.4, but for now here are some screen shots of the new stuff.