Wildstar Launches Soon!

Less than an hour until Wildstar launch so I wanted to share some quick things to follow.

  1. If you don’t already have the game… get it here.
  2. If you aren’t going to get the game or want to find some others who are… watch some streams. See below for some streams.



Yes… the top one is me. Obviously I’ll pimp myself on my own blog. Don’t judge me.

Preparing for Wildstar Online


So you want to play Wildstar? Me too. Since I’ve gotten some beta time and some other steps out-of-the-way, I wanted to share a few steps in what any new Wildstar player should do. I’ll cover race, faction, class, addons, and servers. If you’re not fully prepared – read this post!

Step 1: Pre-order the game. If you’re going to get it anyway, you may as well buy it sooner to get some cool perks.

  • Exclusive Rocket House
  • Exclusive Housing Trophy
  • Exclusive In-Game Title: “Chosen of the Progenitors”
  • Access to Beta Weekends (there’s also some weekday betas going on that you can still partake in as of the time of this writing)
  • 3 Day Head Start
  • In-game Storage Bag

Step 2: (more…)

Wildstar Online End of Beta Event

The 10 day Wildstar open beta ended recently to much fanfare created by the devs. I’ve yet to see such a massive end game event to sign off something as small as a beta test before, so it was pretty impressive to see. There were giant monsters, dev jokes, and an epic troll (they Rick Rolled the whole game by giving us a code to buff our players but it instead opened a browser with the music video). See below for some screen shots: