Band of Thorns (BoT) is looking for a few skilled raiders to round out their 10 man teams. They’re looking for a couple more melee dps (enhancement shaman preferred), a couple healers (not paladin), and one or two ranged (mage, lock or a boomkin would be nice, but aren’t those mythical creatures?).
The majority of BoT has been raiding/playing together since Vanilla/BC. They went 9/12 heroic in ICC (before cataclysm) and are 5/12 in the first tier of Cataclysm content, as of this posting. Raid times are currently 9pm server Tuesday/Friday.
All raiders are expected to show up to raids on time, be properly gemmed/enchanted/flasks, and have fun. Raids, and guild chat in general, keep a pretty light and fun atmosphere even when they’re getting serious for a kill. So, although they’d love you to read Elitist Jerks (or similar) to know your class, please don’t be one.
Their website is available at, or contact Minmon or another officer in-game if interested.
Need to fill your roster? Feel free to email me at contact (at) alternateimage (dot) com with your information.