Gamer Art: July 2021

Check out July’s Featured Gamer Art, a monthly column of art that I’ve found found in the past few weeks. Art can include paintings, drawings, digital art, physical crafts, cosplay and more.

So… art was a little slow this month (or I was slow in finding it). The gaming community was, in a large part, focused on other bigger issues. With regards to that, I had considered leaving out a particular developer, but I don’t think it makes sense to deny the artist a spotlight, so, I’m just doing the usual. This month we have video game art from World of Warcraft, the Witcher, Bioshock, and Genshin Impact.


New World Closed Beta Keys & Info

The New World closed beta starts on 20th of this month. Fortunately, this one is not under NDA, unlike the alpha, so we’ll be able to share information, stream it, and so forth. We’ll be streaming at and will have more feedback posted here during and after the test. Additionally, we have several keys to give away (given to us by Amazon as part of their content creator program). We’re going to give away a key to commenters on this post, a key on twitter, another on the stream, and maybe one more elsewhere. Continue on for when the beta starts/ends, server locations for it and how to win one of those beta keys.


Gamer Art: June 2021

Check out June’s Featured Gamer Art, a monthly column of art that I’ve found found in the past few weeks. Art can include paintings, drawings, digital art, physical crafts, cosplay and more.

Yeah, I know I’m a few days late on the posting of this… but it’s still the art that I found and collected over the course of June. This month has cosplay, drawings and digital art from Dead Space, WoW, Pokemon, Ratchet and Clank, Devil May Cry, the Witcher, and Guilty Gear.


Definitely Not Legit

I’m not going to actually link their address, because I don’t want to give a sleazy, scummy, thief website any additional traffic. This is just a warning for those creating content in the gaming space. This site scrapes gaming posts from others, uses a cheap AI to reword your articles just by replacing words with synonyms and otherwise reposts their stolen content in its entirety. It’s nasty. It’s not okay. It’s illegal. Unfortunately we don’t have the budget to lawyer up, quite yet. This post is just entirely to warm other gaming blogs and websites about this on the off chance that you know how to limit this sort of theft of your content by sleazeballs. So far they’ve stolen content relating to WoW, Warzone, and other general gaming posts.

Share with other gaming sites you know.

Also, for readers of gaming sites, make sure to avoid them. They are literally committing crimes stealing others content. Do not encourage.

Is Pay to Win Bad?

Games being p2w is nothing new. With the rise of mobile popularity and the expansion of the mobile loot box, gatcha game, able-to-buy-everything business model into traditional the console/pc gaming market, pay to win is definitely not going away. The topic for today, though, is how in most circles calling a game pay to win is one of the worst insults you can give. Bad graphics can be “retro” and buggy gameplay can be “early access”, but pay to win has no excuse… Or does it?


When to Revive?

While this advice will apply to any Battle Royal game with a revive feature, my current perspective is mostly Call of Duty: Warzone. The video in this post poses a question, “Would you leave your boy behind?”. In the comments, nearly every person thinks orange was in the wrong for not reviving, with only one or two disagreeing. The video shows the player crawling for almost a minute in near objective safety, not being chased and with no enemy sound near. So, while most think this example is cut and dry, not every situation is as easy to determine. In this post, we’ll discuss a little about when to go for the res, when to fight, and when to run.
