Elyon Goes Free to Play + Delay

Kakao announced today that Elyon was going to go free to play as well having a near month delay. While the game going free to play isn’t shocking, what is unexpected is the timing, as many assumed it would be out for a few months before that transition might occur. In this video, we discussed their announcement, the reason for the change as well as the implications of what “free to play” means to their cash shop.


How to Complete Fusion Events

Fusion events are functionally similar to the fragment events that we did a guide on before. Essentially, there is a specific legendary champion that can be summoned if you collect enough rewards from most all of the events and tournaments for a couple of weeks. Unlike the fragment events, fusion events have you collecting rare champions from the events instead of fragments.

In this guide, we’ll break down the differences between the two types, give you a path to guaranteed success in fusing your legendary champion, and show you how to see if you’re ready to attempt the resource intensive event. As with the previous guide, this is mostly for players who aren’t already experienced in completing these types of events or who just want a more efficient way of looking at them. Tl;dr at the very end.
