So… I’d like to think my post helped encourage this, but we know it was the Hell Hades-level Raid: Shadow Legends creators and the bulk reddit feedback that got this response. It is… however, interesting that they are actually responding. Less interesting is their tone. Their response, which came from the official discord, definitely has a tone implying the players just don’t understand their intentions from patch 4.50 and NOT that it was just implemented poorly… “Unfortunately, when it came to implementation, they didn’t quite enter the game and your perception exactly the way they were supposed to” they said. Our perception is the problem. Read further for their whole response and my thoughts on it.
Developer Response from Official Discord
Hello Raiders! It has been a stormy week for all of us, but it’s moments like this that make us look deeper, rethink some things and cooperate closer. First of all, we’d like to thank you for not being indifferent and expressing your opinion on the latest changes in the game. We want you to know that your thoughts never remain unheard, even if sometimes it may seem otherwise. Some things reveal themselves in the long run, others need some better explaining to start making more sense. We invite you to dive into our regular #RaidDigest in which we will address several currently most pressing issues.
Clan Improvements
Let’s start with the big one. Release 4.50 – newly added Clan Levels, Clan Shop, and Clan Quests. These have been among the most expected additions to the game for quite a while. Unfortunately, when it came to implementation, they didn’t quite enter the game and your perception exactly the way they were supposed to. So here is what this is all about.
Some time ago, we made a statement that our dev team set a course for the Clans feature development this year, which implies a set of clan-oriented improvements and some really big additions. Clan vs Clan Tournament was the first feature in this plan, Clan Levels (together with Quests and the Shop) – the second one. But these are only pieces of the puzzle: our ultimate goal is to create a built-in system inside our game aimed at encouraging players to work toward the team goal, which, in turn, should bring benefits to every clan member involved. Thus, the immediate features included in patch 4.50 are only a part of the much bigger picture that we have planned for Clans.
Clan Gold. It was introduced to the game as a bonus for those players who volunteer to take up quests and help their Clan to win Clan XP. Even though Clan Quests are an important mechanism for how Clans can earn Clan Gold and progress in their Clans development, they are NOT the main source of getting Clan Gold. CvC Tournaments (starting from one of the closest ones) will start featuring Clan Gold as a reward along with Clan XP. And a lot more places with Clan Gold as a reward will gradually be appearing in the game.
Clan Quests. Some Quests are more difficult than others, it’s true. And that’s what we aimed for – to bring variety and supply challenges-loving players with something to sweat over. However, we do agree that it’s best to admit when something is too much. That’s why, we are planning to modify several Quests where you need to fight in level 20 Dungeons (FK, Spider, Ice Golem, Dragon) with Rare Champions from a particular Faction. The condition “with Rare Champion only” will be removed. The change will take place in the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned. We also acknowledge that the aspect of only 20 Quests being accessible to 30 Clan members in Clans below level 5 is a bit distorted. We will be reconsidering this one. We continue monitoring our analytical data and collecting your feedback on the Clan Quests to see if anything else needs to be adjusted.
Clan Level. Seeing some calculations made by players about how much time it theoretically might take to reach Clan Level 20 (even decades were mentioned!!), we ask you to be careful about trusting anything that is not official info. The calculations based on the data extracted from the game client cannot illustrate the real situation since it does not take into account other activities and locations where you will be able to earn Clan Gold and Clan XP in the future.
We will be providing you with more information on the subject in our future digests, highlights, and videos. Have a great weekend, everyone!
And So?
A couple key takeaways. First, they have acknowledged that some of the quests were nearly impossible and are fixing them. This isn’t terribly surprising. They also acknowledge that 20 quests for 30 players is “distorted” but only say they will be reconsidering… not that it’s just getting fixed now. Add 10 more quests, Plarium, with the very next update. Then they attempted to justify the short comings of this patch by saying that clan gold (the main reward for clan quests) comes from other sources and that we just can’t see the whole picture of what’s coming later… then give us the road map? If you don’t like how people see your ongoing project, then show them the plans.
Also worth mentioning… they didn’t address the log in rewards and missing sacred shards going further… perhaps hoping players forget that in favor of these clan quest “fixes”.