New World: First Impressions

So, I was able to get into this New World preview. I didn’t get in until 3 days to the end so I didn’t get to progress very far, however, I made it to level 17, got into factions, did some questing, some exploring, and some crafting. For context, getting to level 17 took 5.5 hours. This probably wasnt the most efficient 5.5 hours of my gaming time, but getting to max level will probably take a significant time investment. In this post, I’ll throw out my thoughts on the look and feel of the game, the combat, crafting, my overall thoughts and a review of the interview their developer did with Richwcampbell and Asmongold. Also, at the end, there’ll be a little story regarding Amazon’s customer service for their gaming division. Make sure to subscribe to the blog to get future updates for the game, including details about their November beta test and a bunch of already-created game resources.


What’s Incoming for this Blog

Future road pic

I guess it’s time I talk a little about where this blog is going. This is both for you and for me – for you to know what I intend and for me to, perhaps, get some feedback on that direction.

This one shouldn’t be incredibly long, but I’ll talk a little about what this blog has been doing, what I’m going to do with it, and how you can influence that if you have such a mind.


Shadowlands: Release Date Announced (and We Were Right)

So, at Gamescom today Shadowlands was confirmed to be releasing on the 27th of October. Based on my previous prediction that ended up being confirmed today, I’m assuming the prepatch will be either September 15th or September 22nd. Nice to see we are finally moving forward with the game, however, given how limited beta access has been, I still worry that it will be truly ready. After the break I’m including Blizzards full post about the release schedule (which has a special date for North American servers).


Shadowlands: Thoughts on the Future of Mythic+

The Mythic Dungeon Invitational

Aside from my abundant issues with the mythic + weekly cache (now the Great Vault), I’d like to share some thoughts on what running keys might be like in the upcoming expansion. Keep in mind, this is coming from someone who hasn’t gotten beta access, so I’m basing my thoughts off the announced changes. Areas of consideration are the dungeons themselves, covenants, new affixes, the aoe cap, and…


Shadowlands: Release Date Info (Prepatch AND Launch)

Today we got the patch test realm (or PTR) updated for the Shadowlands prepatch event. This includes the level squish, stat squish, corruption removal, unpruning and other ability changes, and the start of the prepatch event story. I think we’ve finally reached a time where it makes real sense to start full speculation on the Shadowlands release date.

Without further ado: Shadowlands prepatch will be September 15, 2020. And the Shadowlands release date will be October 27, 2020. After the break, I provide my reasoning, with a couple of sources and some ptr/prepatch/launch date history. If you want to know why, want to argue with me about why, or want some data to rub in your friends faces about why, then click the more link below.


Tap Titans 2: A Review

First – yes, we also cover mobile games here. All things gaming and all. You do have phones, right? I wouldn’t expect a huge swath of mobile content, though, as mobile games (at least in my limited experience) tend to be much simpler endeavors and maybe don’t have as much to cover. However, like many of you, I’m also fairly attached to my little screen and usually have a game or 4 than I’m idling, tapping, matching or otherwise. For this post, we’ll be breaking down Tap Titans 2, an free to play idle clicker game, with it’s game play, it’s ups, it’s downs, and it’s monetization. Gallery of in game images at the end.
