Luck of the Draw Buffed

The buff we receive for being in groups with random party members through the dungeon finder system is getting buffed, says Ghostcrawler – the leader systems designer of Wow. Each party using the dungeon finder system will see a 5% buff to health, healing and damage for each random member up to 15% increase. This should make pugs a significantly easier process, at least in terms of gear, organization, and skill needed to complete them. In the post GC also comments that the 5% buff we should have been getting already was broken and only working in some dungeons. 4.0.6 is bringing all sorts of goodies. Check the full text out after the break. (more…)

Daily Thoughts: Officers

So, it’s probably worth noting that I’m not referring to the kind of officer that you see in the little video above, this post is instead going to be about guild officers as opposed to Russian police that don’t want to be eaten by wolves. I’m sure you can see the similarity though. Guild officers go through a lot to keep the guild running, especially good ones. I think a lot of players don’t appreciate what the leaders of their guild go through in order to make it function cohesively, or at least as cohesively as possible. Continue on to read a little about what your officers do for your guild and how you can help them out – hint – it doesn’t involve cake.
