Why Some People Want Your Game to Fail? – Tarkov Talks Ep. 11.

About Tarkov Talks: This is a video series where we discuss, mostly, gaming while I play Escape from Tarkov in the background. Think of it like a podcast with a chance of murder.

Ever notice when there’s an upcoming game coming out, particularly a major online title, that so many people seem to really want that game to fail? A lot of people look at those negative comments and assume it’s jealousy or maliciousness… but maybe, maybe sometimes it’s something else. In this episode of Tarkov Talks, I discuss some reasons that some people might want the game you’re hyped about to fail that aren’t them just being toxic about the game. Hit more for the video.


Midnight Hunt Box Opening (With Total Value)

Something a little different, we’ve opened a box of Magic the Gathering’s Innistrad Midnight Hunt draft boosters (feels like an unnecessarily long title). As this is a first for us in this format, feedback is very welcome. The video includes a little intro, the full opening of box sped up a little, and a summary at the end of all the rares, mythics, foils, and alternate art cards with a total box value of what was opened. Check it out the first of our MTG content. Check out the whole youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/alternateimagegaming.

Tarkov Talks #2-#5

Our show Tarkov Talks has 4 more episodes. The 2nd is a silly debate about food preferences; the 3rd a highlight of the “birds aren’t real” conspiracy, the 4th a revealing of Elon Musks super villain plans, and finally a video discussing the new World of Warcraft Dragonflight expansion. Click through for links/embeds of each video (or go to the Alternate Image Gaming youtube). For a brief summary of the show, it’s like a podcast (usually gaming related topics) with some Escape from Tarkov gameplay in the background. Watch me discuss things and try not to get dead.


Tarkov Talks #1 – The Decline of Gaming

Tarkov talks will (should) be a weekly series that sits somewhere between a podcast and an interview, often featuring TheSix, that happens while we play scavenger runs in Escape from Tarkov. Tarkov isn’t necessarily the subject, just the backdrop.

Episode #1 discusses the decline of gaming quality in recent years, along with some speculations as to why, and in the end how it might not be big evil CEOs causing it all… maybe. Our article Is Pay to Win Bad? ends up a relatively strong focus, as the decline in gaming and company expenses + monetization are likely highly related. Comment your thoughts here or at the video on youtube.

How (Not) To Incentivize World PVP in a MMO

With the release of Amazon’s New World, the debate about how to get more players to flag up for world player versus player has again been raging. The New World sub reddit and official forums have been consistently abuzz with players asking, pleading for, and demanding buffs to bonuses for opting in to PVP. A common justification is that better bonuses would inspire more players to opt in… including those who prefer PVE and don’t want to PVP. Is this better? In this video, we break down how not to incentivize players to flag up for world PVP.

Blizzcon 2015: Warcraft Movie and Legion Expansion Trailers

See the Warcraft Movie official trailer below. It’s pretty epic. Or should I say… legendary?


Continue after the break for the trailer for the new Warcraft expansion, Legion. Which, in my opinion is even more epic than the trailer for the movie. I would be very much okay if they just made full length CGI movies. Probably easier to do a bunch of crazy magic and monsters than mixing CGI and live action.
